Theta Alpha Phi
About Us
National History
Theta Alpha Phi National Theatre Honors Fraternity (ΘΑΦ) is an American recognition honor society that accepts members who achieve excellence in the art of theatre. Membership is available to undergraduates and graduate students at member institutions.
The first chapter, referred to as "Oklahoma Alpha", was formed on December 22, 1919 at Oklahoma A&M College in Stillwater, Oklahoma. Since the dissolution of the National Collegiate Players/Pi Epsilon Delta (ΠΕΔ) National Theatre Honor Society, Theta Alpha Phi is the oldest honor society for theatre in the United States. Currently, the society has around 30 active chapters. Theta Alpha Phi can only be chartered at colleges & universities (four-year institutions).
The pronunciation of the society's name can be either "Thay-ta Al-fa Fye" or "Thay-ta Al-fa Fee". The latter is closer to the original Greek pronunciation.
The official colors of Theta Alpha Phi are Purple and White.
The motto of Theta Alpha Phi is "The purpose of playing is [...] to hold, as 'twere, the mirror up to nature" (a reference to the "advice to the players" speech in Hamlet).
Members are referred to as "Thetas," "Thetans," "TAPs," or "Taffies."

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